Hello. My name is Ed Snowden. A little over one month ago, I
had family, a home in paradise, and I lived in great comfort. I also had the
capability without any warrant to search for, seize, and read your
communications. Anyone's communications at any time. That is the power to
change people's fates
It is also a serious violation of the law. The 4th and 5th
Amendments to the Constitution of my country, Article 12 of the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights, and numerous statutes and treaties forbid such
systems of massive, pervasive surveillance. While the US Constitution marks
these programs as illegal, my government argues that secret court rulings,
which the world is not permitted to see, somehow legitimize an illegal affair.
These rulings simply corrupt the most basic notion of justice – that it must be
seen to be done. The immoral cannot be made moral through the use of secret
I believe in the principle declared at Nuremberg in 1945:
"Individuals have international duties which transcend the national
obligations of obedience. Therefore individual citizens have the duty to
violate domestic laws to prevent crimes against peace and humanity from
Accordingly, I did what I believed right and began a
campaign to correct this wrongdoing. I did not seek to enrich myself. I did not
seek to sell US secrets. I did not partner with any foreign government to
guarantee my safety. Instead, I took what I knew to the public, so what affects
all of us can be discussed by all of us in the light of day, and I asked the
world for justice.
That moral decision to tell the public about spying that
affects all of us has been costly, but it was the right thing to do and I have
no regrets.
Since that time, the government and
intelligence services of the United States of
America have attempted to make an example of me, a warning to all others who
might speak out as I have. I have been made stateless and hounded for my act of
political expression. The United States Government has placed me on no-fly
lists. It demanded Hong Kong return me outside of the framework of its laws, in
direct violation of the principle of non-refoulement – the Law of Nations. It
has threatened with sanctions countries who would stand up for my human rights
and the UN asylum system. It has even taken the unprecedented step of ordering
military allies to ground a Latin American president's plane in search for a
political refugee. These dangerous escalations represent a threat not just to
the dignity of Latin America, but to the basic rights shared by every person,
every nation, to live free from persecution, and to seek and enjoy asylum.
Yet even in the face of this
historically disproportionate aggression, countries around the world have
offered support and asylum. These nations, including Russia, Venezuela,
Bolivia, Nicaragua, and Ecuador have my gratitude and respect for being the
first to stand against human rights violations carried out by the powerful
rather than the powerless. By refusing to compromise their principles in the
face of intimidation, they have earned the respect of the world. It is my
intention to travel to each of these countries to extend my personal thanks to
their people and leaders.
I announce today my formal acceptance of all offers of
support or asylum I have been extended and all others that may be offered in
the future. With, for example, the grant of asylum provided by Venezuela's
President Maduro, my asylee status is now formal, and no state has a basis by
which to limit or interfere with my right to enjoy that asylum. As we have
seen, however, some governments in Western European and North American states
have demonstrated a willingness to act outside the law, and this behavior
persists today. This unlawful threat makes it impossible for me to travel to
Latin America and enjoy the asylum granted there in accordance with our shared
This willingness by powerful states to act extra-legally
represents a threat to all of us, and must not be allowed to succeed.
Accordingly, I ask for your assistance in requesting guarantees of safe passage
from the relevant nations in securing my travel to Latin America, as well as
requesting asylum in Russia until such time as these states accede to law and
my legal travel is permitted. I will be submitting my request to Russia today,
and hope it will be accepted favorably.
If you have any questions, I will answer what I can.
Thank you.
Edward Snowden: I have no regret
Reviewed by Idowu Wasiu
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